Happy Diwali to my readers who celebrate it. I am typing this from the comfort of my parents’ house. It’s been great to meet family and cousins after a long time. The last time I shared an update, I was unemployed and in the process of interviewing. The good news is, I got the job and it’s been 4 months […]
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Here’s whats happening with Landlording
Earlier this year I bought an apartment as an investment. Honestly, I still can’t believe it. If you’d asked me few years ago I would have called you crazy and how! However, perspective changes and once you get the taste of real estate it’s difficult to stop lol. My earlier plan was to rent out the apartment by April this […]
read moreSavings Update – March 2021
I dread writing this report — Last month was damn hell expensive. I took two short trips and started with some house renovation work. The contractor we’ve hired has been working on breakneck speed but that comes at a price. He doesn’t consult before making decisions such as title we want to use etc. It’s getting to a point that […]
read moreSavings Update – Feb 2021
Last month has been way more work than I’d imagine for I’m purchasing a new apartment. I almost forgot how much work it is to follow up with the builder, agent and, the bank. To be honest the process is yet to complete and I’m yet to get the handover. Least excited about the paperwork but I’m hopeful that I’ll […]
read moreSavings Update – August 2019
This is my least favorite blog post to write about — even though I love tracking my savings and expenses. True to my promise, I’ve cut down on savings update. This month is special. I’m quickly going to jump on to the good news. After years of struggle and penny-pinching and what not (just kidding), my required number for BaristaFI […]
read moreWhy Consistency In Savings Matter More?
We have been discussing about where to invest and how you can go about with your salary allocation for savings. I want to talk about consistency in investing today. It’s extremely important and it’s boring. When I first started investing for my retirement back when I was 24, I hated seeing a so much of my salary which I could […]
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