Category: Frugal

Is this the boring middle?

This entire year has been lots of firsts. Bought a fugging apartment, Switched jobs, Switched Cities, and then decided to switch states. With the new lifestyle changes, specially considering the amount I was able to save during the lockdown when I moved back in with the parents, I save pennies now. That’s fine though. It was never meant to last […]

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Why Can’t Millennials Save?

I’ve been living with the parents and a younger brother since the pandemic and it’s been a mess. I thought I would be able to save money but I’m spending even more than I normally would. Since both me and my brother are working from home, our electricity bills have gone over the roof. Home internet is patchy even though […]

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Rétention strategy of my gym

I started with the gym as soon as Mumbai entered it’s crazy monsoon season. Before that I used to run 5k in morning and walk 5k in the evening, if my schedule permitted. Moving the ‘workout’ to gym meant that the rigour with which I worked out was intense. Not just that, I was getting more disciplined. And it had […]

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