Happy new year to everyone reading the blog and everyone’s who’s not reading. As some of you might have read in my previous blog post this is going to be the year of spending. To discover what I like. To try out some hobbies. This is the year I want to watch less of Netflix and instead create something. It […]
read moreCategory: Frugal
Is this the boring middle?
This entire year has been lots of firsts. Bought a fugging apartment, Switched jobs, Switched Cities, and then decided to switch states. With the new lifestyle changes, specially considering the amount I was able to save during the lockdown when I moved back in with the parents, I save pennies now. That’s fine though. It was never meant to last […]
read moreWhy Can’t Millennials Save?
I’ve been living with the parents and a younger brother since the pandemic and it’s been a mess. I thought I would be able to save money but I’m spending even more than I normally would. Since both me and my brother are working from home, our electricity bills have gone over the roof. Home internet is patchy even though […]
read moreOther aspects of FIRE – Living sustainably
I’ve always been frugal, partly because of necessity and partly because of it being my second nature. When I came across MMM’s blog back in 2016, it was an eye-opener for me. I felt like this is what I was meant to do. The only hurdle — while I was already living the extreme frugal life, I didn’t earn enough […]
read moreRétention strategy of my gym
I started with the gym as soon as Mumbai entered it’s crazy monsoon season. Before that I used to run 5k in morning and walk 5k in the evening, if my schedule permitted. Moving the ‘workout’ to gym meant that the rigour with which I worked out was intense. Not just that, I was getting more disciplined. And it had […]
read more‘Buy During Sales’ Dilemma
Most of my Twitter followings are into discounts and buying during sales. So many of them even post about the great deals they find on Amazon, Flipkart of elsewhere. But there’s a problem and it’s with me. I just can’t buy products during sales if I don’t need them. Even if I know that I might need to buy them […]
read moreFrugal Hobbies While FIREing
When you’re gunning for FIRE, having expensive hobbies can be a damper on your plan. I know since I spent more than 3L INR (300K INR) on learning French. However, it was much much before I came across the concept of FIRE. If I were to think about it now, I’d probably feel guilty about spending so much. It’s still […]
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