Tag: savings

FI Update – June 2021

Phew! It’s been a long ride and took much more than expected but the construction work in my new apartment is finally done. I started the construction work back in April after much hesitation. Just one week after we started work the city went under strict lockdown. Little did we know we’d be marred with second wave. Things have been […]

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Savings Update – March 2021

I dread writing this report — Last month was damn hell expensive. I took two short trips and started with some house renovation work. The contractor we’ve hired has been working on breakneck speed but that comes at a price. He doesn’t consult before making decisions such as title we want to use etc. It’s getting to a point that […]

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Savings Update – August 2019

This is my least favorite blog post to write about — even though I love tracking my savings and expenses. True to my promise, I’ve cut down on savings update. This month is special. I’m quickly going to jump on to the good news. After years of struggle and penny-pinching and what not (just kidding), my required number for BaristaFI […]

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Where To Park Your Emergency Fund?

For the past few days, I’ve taken a break and have been “consulting” with a few of my friends and family over budgeting. I could do this for a living 😛 The first consulting session I took were basic ones some of which I have already covered in my previous blog posts. If you’re new here, you should refer to […]

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How Much Should You Save?

This blogpost is going to be short. But sweet. When I first started interacting with my friends about savings and investments, their top most question was how much ideally I should be saving. This is a tough question and the answer might vary depending on your financial situation. Percentage of income that you can save can depend on whether you […]

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