I started with the gym as soon as Mumbai entered it’s crazy monsoon season. Before that I used to run 5k in morning and walk 5k in the evening, if my schedule permitted.
Moving the ‘workout’ to gym meant that the rigour with which I worked out was intense. Not just that, I was getting more disciplined. And it had started to show.
However, weather change by October derailed everything. I fell sick and I never went back to the gym. Yes, it’s been more than 20 days I haven’t worked out 😞 Partly because my membership too expired around the same time.
I was planning to go back but haven’t been able to find the courage time to do that. Surprisingly, the gym called me today offering 50% discount (huge savings) if I subscribed again. I jumped on the option.
Tomorrow I head out to the gym again 😊
Wish me luck!